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Sofia Kovalevskaya was the middle child of Vasily Korvin-Krukovsky, an artillery general, and Yelizaveta Shubert, both well-educated members of the Russian nobility. Sofia was educated by tutors and governesses, lived first at Palabino, the Krukovsky country estate, then in St. Petersburg, and joined her family's social circle which included the author Dostoevsky.
Sofia was attracted to mathematics at a very young age. Her uncle Pyotr Vasilievich Krukovsky, who had a great respect for mathematics, spoke about the subject. Sofia wrote in her autobiography:-
The meaning of these concepts I naturally could not yet grasp, but they acted on my imagination, instilling in me a reverence for mathematics as an exalted and mysterious science which opens up to its initiates a new world of wonders, inaccessible to ordinary mortals.
When Sofia was 11 years old, the walls of her nursery were papered with pages of Ostrogradski's lecture notes on differential and integral analysis. She noticed that certain things on the sheets she had heard mentioned by her uncle. Studying the wallpaper was Sofia's introduction to calculus.
It was under the family's tutor, Y I Malevich, that Sofia undertook her first proper study of mathematics, and she says that it was as his pupil that
I began to feel an attraction for my mathematics so intense that I started to neglect my other studies.
Sofia 's father decided to put a stop to her mathematics lessons but she borrowed a copy of Bourdeu's Algebra which she read at night when the rest of the household was asleep.
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