Actor Shahid Kapoor has just escaped a fatal accident on the set of his father Pankay Kapoor’s directional debut, ‘Mausam’, he was left with a shoulder injury. The accident happened when a Ferris-wheel came hurling down towards Shahid and injuring his right arm. The accident could have proved fatal if Shahid did not move out.
Narrating the accident, a source said, "Yes, Shahid is injured and has hurt his right shoulder and arm. But it could`ve been worse. If he hadn`t moved out in time his face would`ve taken the brunt. Pankajji just couldn`t move. He was transfixed staring at his son. Shahid kept assuring everyone he was fine until the doctor arrived."
Producer Sheetal Talwar said, "It was a nightmare for all of us. And I'd rather not talk about it. Miraculously, Shahid was saved. No, it wasn't the whole Ferris wheel; just one of the boxes came loose."
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